cookbook 'airflow', '= 1.0.1'
airflow (6) Versions 1.0.1 Follow4
Installs and configures Airflow workflow management platform.
cookbook 'airflow', '= 1.0.1', :supermarket
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Airflow Chef Cookbook
Installs and configures Airflow workflow management platform. More information about Airflow can be found here:
Supported Platforms
Ubuntu (Tested on ubuntu 14.04).
Planned to support Centos soon.
- default - Installs and configures Airflow.
- webserver - Configures service for webserver using upstart.
- scheduler - Configures service for scheduler using upstart.
- airflow - Used by the default recipe for installing and configuring Airflow.
User config
- ["airflow"]["user"] - The user Airflow is executed with and owner of all related folders.
- ["airflow"]["group"] - Airflow user group.
- ["airflow"]["user_uid"] - Airflow user uid
- ["airflow"]["group_gid"] - Airflow group gid
- ["airflow"]["user_home_directory"] - Airflow user home directory.
- ["airflow"]["shell"] - Airflow user shell.
General config
- ["airflow"]["directories_mode"] - The permissions airflow and user directories are created.
- ["airflow"]["config_file_mode"] - The permissions airflow.cfg is created.
- ["airflow"]["log_path"] - Log files base directory.
- ["airflow"]["run_path"] - Pid files base directory
Core config
- ["airflow"]["config"]["core"]["airflow_home"] - Airflow home direcotory.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["core"]["dags_folder"] - Airflow dags directory.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["core"]["plugins_folder"] - Airflow plugins directory.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["core"]["sql_alchemy_conn"] - Sql Alchemy connection url.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["core"]["executor"] - Airflow executor.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["core"]["parallelism"] - Executoer maximum tasks in parallel.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["core"]["load_examples"] - wherther to load examples.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["core"]["fernet_key"] - Key for saving connections password in DB.
Webserver config
- ["airflow"]["config"]["webserver"]["web_server_host"] - Webserver host in config.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["webserver"]["web_server_port"] - Webserver port in config.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["webserver"]["base_url"] - Webserver URL.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["webserver"]["secret_key"] - Secret flask key.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["webserver"]["expose_config"] - Whether expose config in webserver.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["webserver"]["authenticate"] - Whether to authentificate user on webserver.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["webserver"]["filter_by_owner"] - Filter dags by owner name.
Scheduler config
- ["airflow"]["config"]["scheduler"]["job_heartbeat_sec"] - Seconds to listen for CLI kill signal.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["scheduler"]["scheduler_heartbeat_sec"] - How ofen scheuler runs to trigger new tasks.
Celery config
- ["airflow"]["config"]["celery"]["celery_app_name"] - Celery app name.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["celery"]["celeryd_concurrency"] - Worker concurrent tasks.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["celery"]["worker_log_server_port"] - Worker log webserver port.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["celery"]["broker_url"] - Celery broker url.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["celery"]["celery_result_backend"] - Celery backend URL.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["celery"]["flower_port"] - Flower port.
- ["airflow"]["config"]["celery"]["default_queue"] - The default queue to assignment and workers listening on.
- ["airflow"]["service"]["webserver"]["hostname"] - The host name webserver service will be lunched with as argument.
- ["airflow"]["service"]["webserver"]["port"] - The port name webserver service will be lunched with as argument.
- ["airflow"]["service"]["scheduler"]["dags_folder"] - The dags folder path scheduler service will be lunched with as argument.
Please see kitchen.yml for examples.
Apache 2.0 (
Sergey Bahchissaraitsev
Dependent cookbooks
apt >= 0.0.0 |
python >= 0.0.0 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
Airflow cookbook changelog
- Some foodcritic fixes
- README updated
- Fixed some minor attributes issues and cosmetics
- Initial release of airflow-cookbook
Foodcritic Metric
1.0.1 passed this metric
1.0.1 passed this metric