Adoptable Cookbooks List

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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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bamboo (33) Versions 1.2.3

Installs and configures Bamboo

cookbook 'bamboo', '= 1.2.3', :supermarket
cookbook 'bamboo', '= 1.2.3'
knife supermarket install bamboo
knife supermarket download bamboo
Quality -%

Bamboo status Build Status


Installs/Configures Atlassian Bamboo


Bamboo Server Installation

  • Add recipe[bamboo] to your node's run list.

Bamboo Agent Installation

  • Add recipe[bamboo::agent] to your node's run list.


  • recipe "bamboo::default", "Installs the bamboo server with optional backup in place and logging to graylog."
  • recipe "bamboo::server", "Only installs the bamboo server."
  • recipe "bamboo::agent", "Installs a bamboo agent."



  • Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10, 13.04


  • MySQL

Cookbook dependencies

Required Opscode Cookbooks

Third-Party Cookbooks

Bamboo attributes

These attributes are under the node[:bamboo] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
url Url for your bamboo installation String http://localhost
home_dir Bamboo install directory String /opt/bamboo
data_dir Bamboo data directory String /var/bamboo
user user to run Bamboo String bamboo
group group for user bamboo String bamboo
user_home home dir for user bamboo String /home/bamboo
version Bamboo version to install String 5.3
download_url URL for Bamboo install String auto-detected (see attributes/default.rb)
checksum SHA256 checksum for Bamboo install String auto-detected (see attributes/default.rb)

Bamboo agent attributes

These attributes are under the node[:bamboo][:agent] namespace. Agents attributes can be different than the server attributes.

Attribute Description Type Default
home_dir Bamboo install directory String /opt/bamboo
data_dir Bamboo data directory String /var/bamboo
user user to run Bamboo String bamboo
group group for user bamboo String bamboo
user_home home dir for user bamboo String /home/bamboo
disable_agent_auto_capability_detection sets the flag on the agent String true
additional_path will be added to the $PATH of the agent process String

Bamboo Database Attributes

These attributes are under the node[:bamboo][:database] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
type Bamboo database type String mysql (only database supported atm)
host FQDN or "localhost" (localhost automatically installs ['database']['type'] server) String localhost
name Bamboo database name String Bamboo
password Bamboo database user password String changeit
port Bamboo database port Fixnum 3306
type Bamboo database type - "mysql" String mysql
user Bamboo database user String Bamboo

Bamboo JVM Attributes

These attributes are under the node[:bamboo][:jvm] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
minimum_memory JVM minimum memory String 512m
maximum_memory JVM maximum memory String 2048m
maximum_permgen JVM maximum PermGen memory String 256m
support_args additional JAVA_OPTS recommended by Atlassian support for Bamboo JVM during startup String ""

Bamboo Graylog Attributes

These attributes are under the node[:bamboo][:graylog] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
enabled Enable graylog True/Falseyes/no String false
facility The facility name in graylog string bamboo
host Hostname of the graylog server string
origin origin of the host string auto-detected (see attributes/default.rb)

Bamboo Graylog Attributes

These attributes are under the node[:bamboo][:graylog] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
error_docs Provide custom error docs Array e503 - empty

Bamboo Backup Attributes

These attributes are under the node[:bamboo][:backup] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
enabled Enable backup to s3 True/False yes/no String false
s3_host your bucket in S3 String
s3_scheme your bucket in S3 String http
s3_port your bucket in S3 String 80
s3_access_key_id Your acces key for S3 String changeit
s3_secret_access_key Your secret key for S3 String changeit
s3_bucket your bucket in S3 String bamboo

Code Deployment From Bamboo

Testing and Development

Here's how you can quickly get testing or developing against the cookbook thanks to Vagrant and Berkshelf.

git clone git://
cd chef-bamboo
vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
vagrant up

The running Bamboo server is accessible from the host machine:

You can then SSH into the running VM using the vagrant ssh command.

The VM can easily be stopped and deleted with the vagrant destroy command. Please see the official Vagrant documentation for a more in depth explanation of available commands.

Test Kitchen

Please see documentation in: [](


Please use standard Github issues/pull requests and if possible, in combination with testing on the Vagrant boxes.

License and Contributors

Please see license information in: [LICENSE](LICENSE)

Dependent cookbooks

apt >= 0.0.0
ark = 0.4.0
apache2 = 1.8.4
backup = 0.2.0
cron = 1.2.8
database = 1.5.2
git = 2.7.0
java = 1.22.0
mysql = 3.0.12
mysql_connector = 0.7.2
perl = 1.2.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

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