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chef_eye (8) Versions 0.3.0

Installs/Configures chef_eye

cookbook 'chef_eye', '= 0.3.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'chef_eye', '= 0.3.0'
knife supermarket install chef_eye
knife supermarket download chef_eye
Quality 0%


Cookbook for setup eye service and applications

Supported Platforms

  • Ubuntu 12.04
  • Ubuntu 14.04


Key Type Description Default
chef_eye.eye_bin String Path to eye executable file /usr/local/bin/eye
chef_eye.leye_bin String Path to local eye executable file /usr/local/bin/leye Hash or Array Array of users or Hash with users as keys and service options as value ['root']
chef_eye.applications Hash Applications configurations {}
chef_eye.install_ruby Boolean Try to install ruby packages ruby, ruby-dev. If you want to install ruby using another way, you should set this value to false true


This cookbook provides two strategies. "Eye" per user and "eye" per project (local eye).
First strategy run one eye daemon for all configurations and load it.

Eye per user file structure:

/etc/init.d/eye_vagrant # Eye service for user vagrant (generated by chef_eye::service recipe)
/etc/eye/vagrant/_config.eye # Main service configuration (generated by chef_eye::service recipe)
/etc/eye/vagrant/application1.eye # Application config (generated by chef_eye_application lwrp)

Eye per project (local eye) file structure (generated by chef_eye_application_local lwrp):

/var/www/application1/.eye # Eye home
/var/www/application1/.eye/Eyefile # Local eye configuration
/var/www/application1/.eye/leye # Wrapper for leye with environment variables



Include chef_eye in your node's run_list:

  "run_list": [


Cookbook used system ruby and try to install ruby, ruby-dev packages if node['chef_eye']['install_ruby'] set to true
If you want to use custom system ruby, you need set node['chef_eye']['install_ruby'] to false and install custom ruby before
before this cookbook. For example, if you want to use uid and gid application options,
you need install ruby 2.0.0 as system ruby. Its installation is your concern.


This recipe generate service for eye daemons per users

Services named by eye_ prefix and username. For example, service for user vagrant, well be named as eye_vagrant, service for user root as eye_root, etc.

If you need to reload service for user vagrant, you can use

some_resource do
  notifies :reload, 'service[eye_vagrant]'

if you want to configure service fore some user, you can setup it

default['chef_eye']['services'] = {
  ubuntu: {
    'logger' => '/var/log/eye/ubuntu.log'
    'mail' => {
      'host' => '',
      'port' => 25,
      'domain' => ''
    contacts: {
      'errors' => {
        'type' => 'mail',
        'contact' => ''
      'dev' => {
        'type' => 'mail',
        'contact' => '',
        'opts' => {}


This service generate chef_eye_application or chef_eye_application_local LWRP's using node['chef_eye']['applications'] attributes.
You can use any valid eye options. For example:

default['chef_eye']['applications']['my_app'] = {
  owner: 'vagrant', # required
  group: 'vagrant',
  working_dir: '/var/www/my_app',
  checks: {
    cpu: {
      :every => 30,
      :below => 80,
      :times => 3
      :every => 30,
      :below => 73400320,
      :times => [ 3, 5 ]
  process: {
    unicorn: {
      daemonize:  true,
      pid_file: '',
      stdall: 'puma.log',
      start_command: 'bundle exec unicorn --port 33280 --environment production',
      stop_signals: ['TERM', 5, 'KILL']
    resque: {
      pid_file: 'tmp/pids/',
      start_command: 'bin/resque work --queue=high',
      checks: {
        cpu: {
          :every => 30,
          :below => 80,
          :times => 3

This cookbook will install the eye service for user 'vagrant' (/etc/init.d/eye_vagrant) and generate valid '.eye' configuration file

Application used local eye version have additional attributes.

    type: 'local' # <- Configure application using leye
    eye_home: '/var/www/my_app/shared/.eye', #eye home, default eye_home = working_dir
    eye_config: {}, # leye daemon configuration
    eye_pid: 'pid', # absolute or relative path to pidfile
    eye_socket:'sock', # absolute or relative path to socket

    owner: 'vagrant', # required
    group: 'vagrant',
    working_dir: '/var/www/my_app',




Name Type Description Default Value
owner String Username. This is required attribute None, required
config Hash or Block Application configuration, see example None, required
group String Group
cookbook String Cookbook name for searching templates "chef_eye"
helper TrueClass,FalseClass This flag enable creation of helper script true
helper_prefix String, NilClass Prefix of helper script nil

Cookbook provide chef_eye_application resource. This is a main resource for generate eye configuration.

chef_eye_application 'name_of_my_app' do
  owner 'ubuntu'
  group 'ubuntu'
  working_dir '/var/www/my_app'
  config do
    env 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production'
    working_dir '/var/www/my_app'
    trigger :flapping, :times => 10, :within => 1.minute
    process :puma do
      daemonize true
      pid_file ""
      stdall "puma.log"
      start_command "bundle exec puma --port 33280 --environment production"
      stop_signals [:TERM, 5.seconds, :KILL]
      restart_command "kill -USR2 {PID}"
      restart_grace 10.seconds
      check :cpu, :every => 30, :below => 80, :times => 3
      check :memory, :every => 30, :below => 70.megabytes, :times => [3,5]
  action :configure # or :delete
  notifies :reload, 'service[eye_ubuntu]' # you need notify service for reload

or as hash

chef_eye_application 'name_of_my_app' do
  owner 'ubuntu'
  group 'ubuntu'
      env: {
        RAILS_ENV: 'production'
      working_dir: '/var/www/my_app',
      triggers: {
        flapping: {
          :times => 10,
          :within => 1.minute
      processes: {
        puma: {
          daemonize: true,
          pid_file: "",
          stdall: "puma.log",
          start_command: "bundle exec puma --port 33280 --environment production",
          stop_signals: [:TERM, 5.seconds, :KILL],
          restart_command: "kill -USR2 {PID}",
          restart_grace: 10.seconds,
          checks: {
            cpu: {:every => 30, :below => 80, :times => 3},
            memory: {:every => 30, :below => 70.megabytes, :times => [3, 5]}
  action :configure # or :delete
  notifies :reload, 'service[eye_ubuntu]' # you need notify service for reload


This lwrp generate config for leye and create init.d service for local eye daemon.
Configuration for application writes to Eyefile.


Name Type Description Default Value
owner String Username. This is required attribute None, required
config Hash or Block Application configuration, see example None, required
group String Group
cookbook String Cookbook name for searching templates "chef_eye"
eye_config Hash or Block leye daemon configuration nil
eye_home String woring_dir
eye_file String Name or path to Eyefile "Eyefile"
eye_pid String Name or path to pidfile "pid"
eye_socket String Name or path to eye socket "sock"
log_file String Relative or absolute path to logfile "/var/log/eye/owner/eye.log"


chef_eye_application resource have helper (String) and helper_prefix (String, default: owner name) attributes. If helper is true, resource will generate /usr/local/sbin/<prefix>_<application_name> executable scripts. By default for my_app helper is /usr/local/sbin/vagrant_my_app. This script run all command only for my_app namespace. chef_eye_application_local have helper too. For my_app this helper will be named like /usr/local/sbin/leye_my_app but this is symlink to leye wrapper from <eye_home>/leye

License and Authors

Author:: Nikolay Murga (

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.


Initial release of chef-eye

Foodcritic Metric

0.3.0 failed this metric

FC031: Cookbook without metadata file: /tmp/cook/edd37173e1d1bbc914dcd6af/chef_eye/metadata.rb:1
FC045: Consider setting cookbook name in metadata: /tmp/cook/edd37173e1d1bbc914dcd6af/chef_eye/metadata.rb:1