cookbook 'et_mesos', '= 3.0.2'
et_mesos (13) Versions 3.0.2 Follow0
Installs/Configures mesos
cookbook 'et_mesos', '= 3.0.2', :supermarket
knife supermarket install et_mesos
knife supermarket download et_mesos
Mesos Cookbook
Install Mesos ( and configure mesos master and slave.
This cookbook also supports installation by both bulding from source and with Mesosphere package.
You can switch installation type using the node[:et_mesos][:type]
attribute (source
or mesosphere
All credit to @everpeace for the basis for this cookbook, everpeace/cookbook-mesos.
Currently only supports ubuntu
and centos
. But centos
support is experimental.
If you would use cgroups
isolator or docker
containerizer, Ubuntu 14.04 is highly recommended. Note that docker
containerizer is only supported by Mesos 0.20.0+.
Installation Type
You have to specify intallation type (source
or mesosphere
) by setting node[:et_mesos][:type]
Currently this cookbook defaults to build mesos from source, i.e.
is set to source
Install mesos using source
recipe or mesosphere
recipe, depending
on what the node[:et_mesos][:type]
attribute is set to (source
or mesosphere
Build and install Mesos from source (downloads from GitHub, configure, make, make install).
Install Mesos using Mesosphere's mesos
You can also install zookeeper
package by node[:et_mesos][:mesosphere][:with_zookeeper]
if required because Mesosphere's Mesos package doesn't include ZooKeeper.
Configure master and cluster deployment configuration files, and start
Furthermore, this recipe will also configure upstart configuration files.
How to configure mesos-master
You can configure mesos-master
command line options using the node[:et_mesos][:master]
If you have a configuration as shown below:
node[:et_mesos][:master] = {
port: "5050",
log_dir: "/var/log/mesos",
zk: "zk://localhost:2181/mesos",
cluster: "MyCluster",
quorum: "1"
Then mesos-master
will be invoked with command line options like this:
mesos-master --zk=zk://localhost:2181/mesos --port=5050 --log_dir=/var/log/mesos --cluster=MyCluster
See the latest Mesos config docs for available options or the output of mesos-master --help
Configure slave configuration files, and start mesos-slave
Furthermore, this recipe also configures upstart configuration files.
How to configure mesos-slave
You can configure mesos-slave
command line options by node[:et_mesos][:slave]
If you have a configuration as shown below:
node[:et_mesos][:slave] = {
master: 'zk://localhost:2181/mesos',
log_dir: '/var/log/mesos',
containerizers: 'docker,mesos',
isolation: 'cgroups/cpu,cgroups/mem',
work_dir: '/var/run/work'
Then mesos-slave
will be invoked with command line options like this:
mesos-slave --master=zk://localhost:2181/mesos --log_dir=/var/log/mesos --containerizers=docker,mesos --isolation=cgroups/cpu,cgroups/mem --work_dir=/var/run/work
See the latest Mesos config docs for available options or the output of mesos-slave --help
Wrap this cookbook, setting the node[:et_mesos][:type]
attribute as appropriate for your installation, and include_recipe 'et_mesos::master'
or include_recipe 'et_mesos::slave'
, depending on what part of the cluster you need to provision.
The recommendation would be to have two wrapper cookbooks, one for the master(s), and another for your slave(s).
<td>installation type(<tt>source</tt> or <tt>mesosphere</tt>)</td>
<td>Version(branch or tag name at <a href=""></a>).</td>
<td>Prefix value to be passed to configure script for building from source.
<td>Directory which mesos sources are extracted to(<tt>node[:et_mesos][:home]/mesos</tt>).</td>
<td>Flag whether test will be performed on the build before installing.</td>
<td>Flag for installing zookeeper package, only applies to <tt>[:et_mesos][:type] = mesosphere</tt>.</td>
<td>ssh options to be used in <tt>mesos-[start|stop]-cluster</tt></td>
<td><tt>-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <br> -o ConnectTimeout=2</tt></td>
<td>Flag whether sudo will be used in <tt>mesos-[start|stop]-cluster</tt></td>
<td>[OBSOLETE] Human readable name for the cluster, displayed at webui. </td>
<td>Array of String</td>
<td>IP list of masters used in <tt>mesos-[start|stop]-cluster</tt></td>
<td>[ ]</td>
<td>Array of String</td>
<td>IP list of slaves used in <tt>mesos-[start|stop]-cluster</tt></td>
<td>[ ]</td>
<td>[REQUIRED(0.19.1+)] ZooKeeper URL (used for leader election amongst masters). May be one of:<br>
file://path/to/file (where file contains one of the above)</td>
<td>[REQUIRED(0.19.1+)] Where to store the persistent information stored in the Registry.</td>
<td>[REQUIRED(0.19.1+)] The size of the quorum of replicas when using “replicated_log” based registry. It is imperative to set this value to be a majority of masters, i.e., quorum > (number of masters) / 2.</td>
<td>You can set arbitrary command line option for <tt>mesos-master</tt>, replace option_name
with the key for the option to set. See the <a href="">latest Mesos config docs</a> for available options, or the output of mesos-master --help
<td>[REQUIRED] mesos master url.This should be ip:port for non-ZooKeeper based masters, otherwise a zk:// . when <tt>mesosphere</tt>, you should set zk:// address. </td>
<td>Like <tt>[:et_mesos][:master][:option_name]</tt> above, arbitrary options may be specified as a key for a slave by replacing option_name
with your option’s key.</td>
There are a couple of test suites in place:
for unit tests. -
for integration tests (usingvagrant
These test both source
and mesosphere
type installations (using both the master
and slave
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write you change
- Write tests for your change (if applicable)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
MIT License. see [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt)
(Please note that before 2015-02-06-18:00 PST, this project is opened under Apache License, Version 2.0. See also in old version)
Dependent cookbooks
java ~> 1.35 |
python ~> 1.4 |
build-essential ~> 2.2 |
maven ~> 1.3 |
ulimit ~> 0.3 |
apt ~> 2.8 |
yum ~> 3.7 |
Contingent cookbooks
Foodcritic Metric
3.0.2 failed this metric
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/4a855737b3301964130ea670/et_mesos/recipes/source.rb:57
3.0.2 failed this metric