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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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kibana (9) Versions 0.1.6

Installs/Configures kibana, the logstash UI

cookbook 'kibana', '= 0.1.6', :supermarket
cookbook 'kibana', '= 0.1.6'
knife supermarket install kibana
knife supermarket download kibana
Quality -%


A cookbook that installs Kibana.


  • ubuntu


Kibana requires ElasticSearch index to be configured to work as per logstash requirements.


  • node['kibana']['base_dir'] - The base directory of kibana. Defaults to '/opt/kibana'.
  • node['kibana']['user'] - The user under which Kibana is installed. Defaults to 'kibana'.
  • node['kibana']['group'] - The group under which Kibana is installed. Defaults to 'kibana'.
  • node['kibana']['git']['url'] - The URL to Kibana repository. Defaults to 'git://'.
  • node['kibana']['git']['reference'] - The git reference in the Kibana repository. Defaults to 'v0.2.0'.
  • node['kibana']['interface'] - The interface on which to bind. Defaults to node['ipaddress'].
  • node['kibana']['port'] - The port on which to bind. Defaults to 5601.
  • node['kibana']['elasticsearch']['hosts'] - An Array of the elasticsearch service hosts. Defaults to [''].
  • node['kibana']['elasticsearch']['port'] - The port of the elasticsearch http service. Defaults to 9200.
  • node['kibana']['apache']['host'] - The host to create apache vhost for. Defaults to node['fqdn']
  • node['kibana']['apache']['interface'] - The interface on which to bind apache. Defaults to node['ipaddress']
  • node['kibana']['apache']['port'] - The port on which to bind apache. Defaults to 80.
  • node['kibana']['rubyversion'] - The version of Ruby and Gems to use for Kibana.Defaults to 1.9.1


  • default - Install Kibana.
  • apache - Setup vhost for apache that rewrites to Kibana.

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