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logrotate (53) Versions 0.8.1

Installs logrotate package and provides a resource for managing logrotate configs

cookbook 'logrotate', '= 0.8.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'logrotate', '= 0.8.1'
knife supermarket install logrotate
knife supermarket download logrotate
Quality -%
= DESCRIPTION: Logrotate configuration = REQUIREMENTS: Debian or Ubuntu preferred. Red Hat/CentOS and Fedora can be used but will be converted to a Debian/Ubuntu style Apache as it's far easier to manage with chef. = ATTRIBUTES: * none General settings and prefork/worker attributes are tunable. = USAGE: include the recipe and it will install a default logrotate, if you want it to do more however... make a recipe such as, logrotate_app "chef" do paths "/var/log/chef/*.log" rotate 4 end == Defines: * logrotate_app:: sets up a logrotate configuration file = LICENSE & AUTHOR: Author:: Scott M. Likens (<>) Copyright:: 2009, Scott M. Likens Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

apache2 Applicable Versions
apache_spark Applicable Versions
apache_spark_ng Applicable Versions
application_ruby Applicable Versions
askbot Applicable Versions
atop Applicable Versions
autopatch_ii Applicable Versions
baragon Applicable Versions
baseserver Applicable Versions
bd_nxlog Applicable Versions
cerner_kafka Applicable Versions
cerner_tomcat Applicable Versions
chef-client Applicable Versions
chef-client 3.1.0
chef-client 3.1.2
chef-client 3.2.0
chef-client 3.2.2
chef-client 3.3.0
chef-client 3.3.2
chef-client 3.3.3
chef-client 3.3.4
chef-client 3.3.6
chef-client 3.3.8
chef-client 3.4.0
chef-client 3.5.0
chef-client 3.5.2
chef-client 3.6.0
chef-client 3.7.0
chef-client 3.8.0
chef-client 3.8.1
chef-client 3.8.2
chef-client 3.9.0
chef-client 4.0.0
chef-client 4.1.0
chef-client 4.1.1
chef-client 4.2.0
chef-client 4.2.1
chef-client 4.2.2
chef-client 4.2.3
chef-client 4.2.4
chef-client 4.3.0
chef-client 4.3.1
chef-client 4.3.2
chef-client 4.3.3
chef-client 4.4.0
chef-client 4.5.0
chef-client 4.5.1
chef-client 4.5.2
chef-client 4.5.3
chef-client 4.5.4
chef-client 4.6.0
chef-client 5.0.0
chef-client 6.0.0
chef-client 7.0.0
chef-client 7.0.1
chef-client 7.0.2
chef-client 7.0.3
chef-client 7.1.0
chef-client 7.2.0
chef-client 7.2.1
chef-client 8.0.0
chef-client 8.0.1
chef-client 8.0.2
chef-client 8.1.0
chef-client 8.1.1
chef-client 8.1.2
chef-client 8.1.3
chef-client 8.1.4
chef-client 8.1.5
chef-client 8.1.6
chef-client 8.1.7
chef-client 8.1.8
chef-client 9.0.0
chef-client 9.0.1
chef-client 9.0.2
chef-client 9.0.3
chef-client 9.0.4
chef-client 9.0.5
chef-client 10.0.0
chef-client 10.0.1
chef-client 10.0.2
chef-client 10.0.3
chef-client 10.0.4
chef-client 10.0.5
chef-client 10.1.0
chef-client 10.1.2
chef-client 11.0.0
chef-client 11.0.1
chef-client 11.0.2
chef-client 11.0.3
chef-client 11.0.4
chef-client 11.0.5
chef-client 11.1.0
chef-client 11.1.1
chef-client 11.1.2
chef-client 11.1.3
chef-client 11.2.0
chef-client 11.3.0
chef-client 11.3.1
chef-client 11.3.2
chef-client 11.3.3
chef-client 11.3.4
chef-client 11.3.5
chef-client 11.3.6
chef-client 11.4.0
chef-client 11.5.0
chef-client 12.0.0
chef-client 12.0.1
chef-client 12.1.0
chef-client 12.2.0
chef-client 12.3.0
chef-client 12.3.1
chef-client 12.3.2
chef-client 12.3.3
chef-client 12.3.4
chef_changereport_handler Applicable Versions
clamav Applicable Versions
cloudfoundry Applicable Versions
cloudfoundry_service Applicable Versions
common_linux Applicable Versions
cyclesafe_chef Applicable Versions
elk_forwarder Applicable Versions
errbit-server Applicable Versions
et_haproxy Applicable Versions
flapjack Applicable Versions
github_connector Applicable Versions
gitlab Applicable Versions
gitlab-shell Applicable Versions
guardian Applicable Versions
ice Applicable Versions
jmxtrans Applicable Versions
librenms Applicable Versions
librenms-ng Applicable Versions
log_rotations Applicable Versions
logstash Applicable Versions
lxd Applicable Versions
magento-ng Applicable Versions
magentostack Applicable Versions
mercury Applicable Versions
mineos Applicable Versions
mysql_logrotate Applicable Versions
mysqler Applicable Versions
ngx Applicable Versions
nodestack Applicable Versions
noosfero Applicable Versions
openresty Applicable Versions
opsworks_ruby Applicable Versions
piwik Applicable Versions
puma Applicable Versions
rabbitmq Applicable Versions
rubycas Applicable Versions
rundeck-alt Applicable Versions
serf Applicable Versions
simple_passenger Applicable Versions
singularity Applicable Versions
sinopia Applicable Versions
ssm_agent Applicable Versions
stegosoc Applicable Versions
stig Applicable Versions
storj Applicable Versions
sturdy_ssm_agent Applicable Versions
verdaccio Applicable Versions
yumrepo_server Applicable Versions
zabbix-ruby-client Applicable Versions
zf2 Applicable Versions

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