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mariadb (81) Versions 0.2.4

Installs/Configures MariaDB

cookbook 'mariadb', '= 0.2.4', :supermarket
cookbook 'mariadb', '= 0.2.4'
knife supermarket install mariadb
knife supermarket download mariadb
Quality 100%

MariaDB Cookbook

Build Status


This cookbook contains all the stuffs to install and configure a mariadb server on a dpkg/apt compliant system (typically debian), or a rpm/yum compliant system (typically centos)



  • mariadb - This cookbook need that you have a valid apt repository installed with the mariadb official packages


  • percona-xtrabackup - if you want to use the xtrabckup SST Auth for galera cluster.
  • socat - if you want to use the xtrabckup SST Auth for galera cluster.
  • rsync - if you want to use the rsync SST Auth for galera cluster.
  • debconf-utils - if you use debian platform family.

operating system

  • debian - this cookbook is fully tested on debian
  • ubuntu - not fully tested on ubuntu, but should work
  • centos - not fully tested on centos, but should work



<td>Version to install (currently 10.0 et 5.5)</td>
<td>Wether to install MariaDB default repository or not. If you don't have a local repo containing packages, put it to true</td>
<td>local root password</td>
<td>Wether to activate root remote access</td>
<td>Wether to allow the recipe to change root password after the first install</td>


To install a default server for mariadb choose the version you want (MariaDB 5.5 or 10, galera or not), then call the recipe accordingly.

List of availables recipes:

  • mariadb::default (just call server recipe with default options)
  • mariadb::server
  • mariadb::galera
  • mariadb::client

Please be ware that by default, the root password is empty! If you want have changed it use the node['mariadb']['server_root_password'] attribute to put a correct value. And by default the remote root access is not activated. Use node['mariadb']['forbid_remote_root'] attribute to change it.


When installing the mariadb::galera on debian recipe, You have to take care of one specific attribute:
default['mariadb']['debian']['password'] which default to 'please-change-me'
As wee need to have the same password for this user on the whole cluster nodes... We will change the default install one by the content of this attribute.


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write your change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

License and Authors

Nicolas Blanc

Dependent cookbooks

apt >= 0.0.0
yum >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

abiquo Applicable Versions
database_application Applicable Versions
dvwa Applicable Versions
fivem Applicable Versions
kloudspeaker Applicable Versions
letsencrypt-boulder-server Applicable Versions
mysql2_chef_gem Applicable Versions
mysql_chef_gem Applicable Versions
openstack-common Applicable Versions
openstack-ops-database Applicable Versions
slurm Applicable Versions


This file is used to list changes made in each version of the mariadb cookbook.


  • [BUG #10] - Correct a FC004 broken rule
  • [BUG #9] - Correct foodcritic tests (add --epic-fail any to be sure it fails when a broken rule is detected)


  • [BUG #4] - Add a real management of mysql root password
  • [ENH #5] - Now restart mysql service when port is changed
  • [ENH #7] - Remove or add root remote access via attribute
  • [DOCS] - Complete documentations
  • [TEST] - Add a lot of chefspec and kitchen/serverspec tests


  • [sinfomicien] - Correct repository install under debian family
  • [sinfomicien] - Correct client install to add dev files
  • [sinfomicien] - Correct and add multiples tests


  • [sinfomicien] - Use stove to package (remove PaxHeaders.*)


  • [sinfomicien] - Add rpm/yum management
  • [sinfomicien] - Refactor the whole recipes list and management to ease it
  • [sinfomicien] - Correct the Documentation
  • [sinfomicien] - Rename the provider (from extraconf to configuration), and add matchers to it
  • [sinfomicien] - Add a recipe to manage client only installation
  • [sinfomicien] - Refactor all tests to manage new platform (centos/redhat/fedora)


  • [sinfomicien] - Add ignore-failure to debian grants correct, as it can break on initial setup


  • [sinfomicien] - Correct a typo (unnecessary call to run_command)


  • [sinfomicien] - improve Galera configuration management
  • [sinfomicien] - Add new rspec tests
  • [sinfomicien] - Create Kitchen test suite


  • [sinfomicien] - improve attributes management


  • [sinfomicien] - adapt galera55 recipe to use a generic galera recipe
  • [sinfomicien] - use a generic galera recipe to create the galera10 recipe
  • [sinfomicien] - Improve documentation


  • [sinfomicien] - Initial release of mariadb

Foodcritic Metric

0.2.4 passed this metric