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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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noosfero (48) Versions 3.1.2

Install/configure Noosfero social-economic network

cookbook 'noosfero', '= 3.1.2', :supermarket
cookbook 'noosfero', '= 3.1.2'
knife supermarket install noosfero
knife supermarket download noosfero
Quality -%

noosfero Cookbook

Install/configure Noosfero social-economic network (see



The default recipe runs others recipes according to the settings

Attribute Description Default
<tt>node[:noosfero][:service_name]</tt> The Noosfero's service name, which defines the init.d script name and paths <tt>"noosfero"</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:rails_env]</tt> The Rails environment to be used <tt>"production"</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:rvm_load]</tt> The ruby string to be load (e.g. "ree@noosfero") <tt>"system"</tt>


Attribute Description Default
<tt>node[:noosfero][:install_from]</tt> What is used to install noosfero: "git" (default) to fetch code from git and "package" to install noosfero from debian repository <tt>"git"</tt>

noosfero::git_install (on install_from == "git")

Attribute Description Default
<tt>node[:noosfero][:user]</tt> The user to create and to run noosfero <tt>default[:noosfero][:service_name]</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:group]</tt> The group to create and to run noosfero <tt>default[:noosfero][:service_name]</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:git_url]</tt> The git repo containing Noosfero to be used <tt></tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:git_revision]</tt> The branch, tag or commit to be used <tt>"stable"</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:upgrade_script]</tt> A script to be run on git sync <tt>''</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:path]</tt> Set the path to clone the git repo to be the base path for code, log, tmp and others noosfero directories <tt>nil</tt> (use default system dirs, see below)
<tt>node[:noosfero][:code_path]</tt> Overwrite the code's path <tt>node[:noosfero][:path]</tt> (with node[:noosfero][:path]) or <tt>"/usr/share/#{service_name}"</tt> (without node[:noosfero][:path])
<tt>node[:noosfero][:data_path]</tt> Overwrite the data path <tt>node[:noosfero][:path]</tt> (with node[:noosfero][:path]) or <tt>"/var/lib/#{service_name}"</tt> (without node[:noosfero][:path])
<tt>node[:noosfero][:config_path]</tt> Overwrite the config path <tt>"#{node[:noosfero][:path]}/config"</tt> (with node[:noosfero][:path]) or <tt>"/etc/#{service_name}"</tt> (without node[:noosfero][:path])
<tt>node[:noosfero][:log_path]</tt> Overwrite the log path <tt>"#{node[:noosfero][:path]}/log"</tt> (with node[:noosfero][:path]) or <tt>"/var/log/#{service_name}"</tt> (without node[:noosfero][:path])
<tt>node[:noosfero][:run_path]</tt> Overwrite the run path <tt>"#{node[:noosfero][:path]}/run"</tt> (with node[:noosfero][:path]) or <tt>"/var/run/#{service_name}"</tt> (without node[:noosfero][:path])
<tt>node[:noosfero][:tmp_path]</tt> Overwrite the tmp path <tt>"#{node[:noosfero][:path]}/tmp"</tt> (with node[:noosfero][:path]) or <tt>"/var/tmp/#{service_name}"</tt> (without node[:noosfero][:path])

noosfero::package_install (on install_from == "package")

Install noosfero using the Colivre's apt repository

Attribute Description Default

noosfero::dependencies (on install_from == "git")

Attribute Description Default
<tt>node[:noosfero][:dependencies_with]</tt> How to install dependencies: "quick_start", "bundler" or "packages" <tt>"quick_start"</tt>

noosfero::database (on install_from == "git")

Generate Rails' database.yml

Attribute Description Default
<tt>node[:noosfero][:db][:name]</tt> Database name <tt>node[:noosfero][:service_name]</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:db][:hostname]</tt> Database hostname <tt>"locahost"</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:db][:port]</tt> Database port <tt>""</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:db][:username]</tt> Database username <tt>node[:noosfero][:user]</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:db][:password]</tt> Database password <tt>nil</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:db][:create_from_dump]</tt> Load speficied dump file after database creation (if it don't exist yet) <tt>nil</tt>

noosfero::environment (on install_from == "git")

Create, if there isn't any default yet, a default Noosfero Environment, after database creation.

Attribute Description Default
<tt>node[:noosfero][:environment]</tt> A hash with the config of the default environment. If nil, skip environment check and creation <tt>nil</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:environment][:name]</tt> The name of the environment. This is used in all pages' &lttitle&gt <tt>-</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:environment][:domain]</tt> The default domain associated with the environment. <tt>-</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:environment][:default_language]</tt> Set default language <tt>-</tt>


Write noosfero.yml settings file. Use key/value pairs from node[:noosfero][:settings] hash.


Enable and configure plugins.

Attribute Description Default
<tt>node[:noosfero][:plugins]</tt> An array of plugins to enable with script/noosfero-plugins <tt>[]</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:plugins_settings]</tt> Configure each plugin' settings See <tt>attributes/default.rb</tt>


Configure proxy and backend (rails app) servers

Attribute Description Default
<tt>node[:noosfero][:server][:proxy]</tt> Proxy server to use. Choose between nginx or apache <tt>nginx</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:server][:backend]</tt> Rails application server. Choose between unicorn and thin <tt>thin</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:server][:workers]</tt> Number of workers to start <tt>4</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:server][:port]</tt> Backend port <tt>50000</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:server][:timeout]</tt> Backend timeout <tt>60</tt> if backend is nginx and <tt>1200</tt> if apache is used
<tt>node[:noosfero][:server][:proxy_port]</tt> Proxy port to listen <tt>node[:nginx][:listen_ports].first</tt> or <tt>node[:apache][:listen_ports].first</tt>


Configure cache options

Attribute Description Default
<tt>node[:noosfero][:cache][:server]</tt> Cache server to use. Supports varnish or set to empty to disable <tt>varnish</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:cache][:backend_port]</tt> Backend port <tt>node[:noosfero][:server][:proxy_port]</tt>


Rotate logs

Attribute Description Default
<tt>node[:noosfero][:logrotate][:rotate]</tt> Number of maximum rotated logs <tt>100_000</tt>
<tt>node[:noosfero][:logrotate][:frequency]</tt> Frequency to rotate logs <tt>daily</tt>


Just include noosfero in your node's run_list, the below configuration is an example:

  "rvm": {
    "user_installs": [
        "user": "noosfero",
        "rubies": [ "ree" ],
        "default_ruby": "ree",
        "gems": {
          "ree@noosfero": []

  "postgresql": {
    "version": "9.3",
    "password": {
      // needed for chef-solo
      "postgres": "iqHDDo1o"

  "memcached": {
    "memory": 128,
    "listen": ""

  "varnish": {
    "version": "2.1",
    "listen_address": "",
    "listen_port": 80,
    "storage": "file",
    "storage_size": "1G",
    "vcl_cookbook": "noosfero"

  "nginx": {
    "listen_ports": [81],
    "keepalive_timeout": 20,
    "default_site_enabled": false

  "apache": {
    "version": "2.4",
    "listen_addresses": [""],
    "listen_ports": [82],
    "keepalivetimeout": 20,
    "keepaliverequests": 1000

  "noosfero": {
    "service_name": "noosfero",
    "path": "/home/braulio/",
    "user": "braulio",
    "group": "braulio",

    "git_url": "",
    "git_revision": "master",

    "dependencies_with": "bundler",
    "rvm_load": "ree@noosfero",

    "server_name": "",
    "custom_domains": [

    "server": {
      "proxy": "nginx",
      "backend": "unicorn",
      "workers": 1
    "cache": {
      "server": "varnish"

    "db": {
      "name": "",
      "port": 5433

    "environment": {
      "name": "ESCAMBO",
      "domain": ""
    "plugins": ["cms_learning", "currency", "escambo", "evaluation", "exchange", "sniffer", "solr"],

    "settings": {
      "exception_recipients": ["", ""]

    "plugin_settings": {
      "solr": {
        "port": 8983,
        "memory": 128

  "run_list": [


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write your change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

After 3 consistent patches you become a commiter :)

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