cookbook 'open_resty', '= 0.2.0'
open_resty (3) Versions 0.2.0 Follow0
Installs/Configures open_resty
cookbook 'open_resty', '= 0.2.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install open_resty
knife supermarket download open_resty
A cookbook for installing openresty.
Basic Usage
run_list: ["recipe[open_resty]"], "default_attributes": { "open_resty": { ... } }
Name | Description | Default |
node["open_resty"]["user"] |
The user to run as | www-data |
node["open_resty"]["home"] |
The home directory for nginx | /var/www |
Name | Description | Default |
node["open_resty"]["source"]["version"] |
The version to install | |
node["open_resty"]["source"]["checksum"] |
The checksum for the version | see attributes/default.rb |
Name | Description | Default |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["dir"] |
Where to setup nginx | /etc/nginx |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["log_dir"] |
Nginx log directory | /var/log/nginx |
These all correlate to nginx directives (of the same name)
Name | Default |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["worker_processes"] |
auto - 1 per CPU |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["worker_rlimit_nofile"] |
200,000 |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["worker_connections"] |
4096 |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["pid"] |
/var/run/ |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["gzip"] |
on |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["gzip_buffers"] |
16 8k |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["gzip_http_version"] |
1.0 |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["gzip_comp_level"] |
6 |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["gzip_min_length"] |
256 |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["gzip_proxied"] |
any |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["gzip_disable"] |
MSIE [1-6]\.(?!\.*SV1) |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["gzip_vary"] |
on |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["gzip_types"] |
see attributes/nginx.rb |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["open_file_cache_max"] |
1000 |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["open_file_cache_inactive"] |
20s |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["open_file_cache_valid"] |
30s |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["open_file_cache_min_uses"] |
2 |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["open_file_cache_errors"] |
on |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["server_names_hash_bucket_size"] |
64 |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["types_hash_bucket_size"] |
64 |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["types_hash_max_size"] |
2048 |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["client_body_buffer_size"] |
8k |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["client_max_body_size"] |
20M |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["large_client_header_buffers"] |
32 32k |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["lua_use_default_type"] |
off |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["lua_package_path"] |
;; |
node["open_resty"]["nginx"]["lua_package_cpath"] |
;; |
Lua Settings
Name | Description | Default |
node["open_resty"]["lua_modules"] |
An array of modules to make available during init_by_lua
[] |
Dependent cookbooks
apt >= 0.0.0 |
ark >= 0.0.0 |
runit >= 0.0.0 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
Foodcritic Metric
0.2.0 passed this metric
0.2.0 passed this metric