cookbook 'repository', '= 0.1.4'
repository (5) Versions 0.1.4 Follow0
Build package repositories
cookbook 'repository', '= 0.1.4', :supermarket
knife supermarket install repository
knife supermarket download repository
Build a repository, using Chef.
Currently only providing apt based repositories
Usage (easy)
Setup the incoming
repository by adding repository::incoming
to the run list.
This will create a directory (by default at /srv/repository_incoming). Drop
packages there and run Chef. Chef will automatically add them into the
repository. Yay!
Incoming related attributes
default[:repository][:incoming][:codename] = node.lsb.codename default[:repository][:incoming][:name] = 'incoming' default[:repository][:incoming][:architecture] = 'amd64' default[:repository][:incoming][:label] = 'Incoming Repository' default[:repository][:incoming][:description] = 'Incoming repository for dropped off packages' default[:repository][:incoming][:directory] = '/srv/repository_incoming' default[:repository][:incoming][:multi_version] = true default[:repository][:incoming][:enable_locally] = true
Usage (involved)
Adding repository
You can add your own repository components using the repos
array attribute. For
node.set[:repository][:repos] = [ :name => 'my_packages', :codename => 'precise', :architecture => %w(amd64), :multi_version => true ]
or via the LWRP:
repository 'my_packages' do codename 'precise' architecture %w(amd64) multi_version => true end
Adding Packages
Add packages to the repository by using the repository_package
repository_package '/path/to/my/cool/package.deb' do repository 'my_packages' end
Keys are required to sign packages and repository files. They can be provided
via data bag, encrypted data bag, or automatically generated on the node. By
default the keys will be auto generated using the gpg
Data bag
- To enable data bag based keys:
node.set[:repository][:pgp_data_bag] = true
- To enable encrypted data bag based keys:
node.set[:repository][:pgp_data_bag] = 'encrypted'
Encrypted data bags will use the default secret for decryption.
Data bag structure
{ "id": "pgp", "email": "", "private": "PRIVATE KEY CONTENTS", "public": "PUBLIC KEY CONTENTS" }
- Repo:
- IRC: Freenode @ #heavywater