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runit (70) Versions 1.1.4

Installs runit and provides runit_service resource

cookbook 'runit', '= 1.1.4', :supermarket
cookbook 'runit', '= 1.1.4'
knife supermarket install runit
knife supermarket download runit
Quality -%


Installs runit and provides the runit_service service resource for
managing processes (services) under runit.

This cookbook does not use runit to replace system init, nor are there
plans to do so.

For more information about runit:

About Runit

In brief, Runit is a process supervision suite. It is simple to set
up, and doesn't require complex shell scripts to be written to start
processes running as system services.

To manage a process in runit, create a "service" directory that
contains a "run" script. In this cookbook we refer to that directory
as the sv_dir (see Attributes and Resource/Provider). That
service directory is symbolically linked into runit's own service
directory where its runsvdir program looks for processes to manage.
See the runit documentation for detailed
information on runit.

Supervised processes are analogous to services under other systems
such as sysvinit or upstart.



  • Debian/Ubuntu
  • Gentoo
  • RHEL


See attributes/default.rb for defaults generated per platform.

  • node['runit']['sv_bin'] - Full path to the sv binary.
  • node['runit']['chpst_bin'] - Full path to the chpst binary.
  • node['runit']['service_dir'] - Full path to the default "services" directory where enabled services are linked.
  • node['runit']['sv_dir'] - Full path to the directory where service lives, which gets linked to service_dir.
  • node['runit']['start'] - Command to start the runsvdir service
  • node['runit']['stop] - Command to stop the runsvdir service
  • node['runit']['reload'] - Command to reload the runsvdir service



The default recipe installs runit and starts runsvdir to supervise
the services in runit's service directory (e.g., /etc/service).

On RHEL family systems, it will build the runit RPM using Ian Meyer's
runit RPM SPEC

On Debian family systems, the runit packages are maintained by the
runit author, Gerrit Pape, and the recipe will use that for

On Gentoo, the runit ebuild package is installed.


This cookbook has a resource, runit_service, for managing services
under runit. This service subclasses the Chef service resource.

This resource replaces the runit_service definition. See the file in this cookbook for breaking change information
and any actions you may need to take to update cookbooks using


  • enable - enables the service, creating the required run scripts and symlinks. This is the default action.
  • start - starts the service with sv start
  • stop - stops the service with sv stop
  • disable - stops the service with sv down and removes the service symlink
  • restart - restarts the service with sv restart
  • reload - reloads the service with sv force-reload
  • once - starts the service with sv once.
  • hup - sends the HUP signal to the service with sv hup
  • cont - sends the CONT signal to the service
  • term - sends the TERM signal to the service
  • kill - sends the KILL signal to the service
  • up - starts the service with sv up
  • down - downs the service with sv down
  • usr1 - sends the USR1 signal to the service with sv 1
  • usr2 - sends the USR2 signal to the service with sv 2

Service management actions are taken with runit's "sv" program.

Read the sv(8) man page for
more information on the sv program.

Parameter Attributes

The first three parameters, sv_dir, service_dir, and sv_bin will
attempt to use the corresponding node attributes, and fall back to
hardcoded default values that match the settings used on Debian
platform systems.

Many of these parameters are only used in the :enable action.

  • sv_dir - The base "service directory" for the services managed by the resource. By default, this will attempt to use the node['runit']['sv_dir'] attribute, and falls back to /etc/sv.
  • service_dir - The directory where services are symlinked to be supervised by runsvdir. By default, this will attempt to use the node['runit']['service_dir'] attribute, and falls back to /etc/service.
  • sv_bin - The path to the sv program binary. This will attempt to use the node['runit']['sv_bin'] attribute, and falls back to /usr/bin/sv.
  • service_name - Name attribute. The name of the service. This will be used in the directory of the managed service in the sv_dir and service_dir.
  • sv_templates - If true, the :enable action will create the service directory with the appropriate templates. Default is true. Set this to false if the service has a package that provides its own service directory. See Usage examples.
  • options - Options passed as variables to templates, for compatibility with legacy runit service definition. Default is an empty hash.
  • env - A hash of environment variables with their values as content used in the service's env directory. Default is an empty hash.
  • log - Whether to start the service's logger with svlogd, requires a template sv-service_name-log-run.erb to configure the log's run script. Default is true.
  • default_logger - Whether a default log/run script should be set up. If true, the default content of the run script will use svlogd to write logs to /var/log/service_name. Default is false.
  • cookbook - A cookbook where templates are located instead of where the resource is used. Applies for all the templates in the enable action.
  • finish - whether the service has a finish script, requires a template sv-service_name-finish.erb
  • control - An array of signals to customize control of the service, see runsv man page on how to use this. This requires that each template be created with the name sv-service_name-signal.erb.
  • owner - user that should own the templates created to enable the service
  • group - group that should own the templates created to enable the service
  • run_template_name - alternate filename of the run run script to use replacing service_name.
  • log_template_name - alternate filename of the log run script to use replacing service_name.
  • finish_script_template_name - alternate filename of the finish script to use, replacing service_name.
  • control_template_names - a hash of control signals (see control above) and their alternate template name(s) replacing service_name.
  • status_command - The command used to check the status of the service to see if it is enabled/running (if it's running, it's enabled). This hardcodes the location of the sv program to /usr/bin/sv due to the aforementioned cookbook load order.
  • restart_on_update - Whether the service should be restarted when the run script is updated. Defaults to true. Set to false if the service shouldn't be restarted when the run script is updated.

Unlike previous versions of the cookbook using the runit_service
definition, the runit_service resource can be notified. See
Usage examples below.


To get runit installed on supported platforms, use recipe[runit].
Once it is installed, use the runit_service resource to set up
services to be managed by runit.

In order to use the runit_service resource in your cookbook(s), each
service managed will also need to have sv-service_name-run.erb and
sv-service_name-log-run.erb templates created. If the log
parameter is false, the log run script isn't created. If the log
parameter is true, and default_logger is also true, the log run
script will be created with the default content:

exec svlogd -tt /var/log/service_name


These are example use cases of the runit_service resource described
above. There are others in the runit_test cookbook that is included
in the git repository.

Default Example

This example uses all the defaults in the :enable action to set up
the service.

We'll set up chef-client to run as a service under runit, such as is
done in the chef-client cookbook. This example will be more simple
than in that cookbook. First, create the required run template,

exec 2>&1
exec /usr/bin/env chef-client -i 1800 -s 30

Then create the required log/run template,

exec svlogd -tt ./main

Note This will cause output of the running process to go to
/etc/sv/chef-client/log/main/current. Some people may not like this,
see the following example. This is preserved for compatibility reasons.

Finally, set up the service in the recipe with:

runit_service "chef-client"

Default Logger Example

To use a default logger with svlogd which will log to
/var/log/chef-client/current, instead, use the default_logger option.

runit_service "chef-client" do
  default_logger true

No Log Service

If there isn't an appendant log service, set log to false, and the
log/run script won't be created.

runit_service "no-svlog" do
  log false

Finish Script

To create a service that has a finish script in its service directory,
set the finish parameter to true, and create a
sv-finisher-finish.erb template.

runit_service "finisher" do
  finish true

This will create /etc/sv/finisher/finish.

Alternate service directory

If the service directory for the managed service isn't the sv_dir
(/etc/sv), then specify it:

runit_service "custom_service" do
  sv_dir "/etc/custom_service/runit"

No Service Directory

If the service to manage has a package that provides its service
directory, such as git-daemon on Debian systems, set sv_templates
to false.

package "git-daemon-run"

runit_service "git-daemon" do
  sv_templates false

This will create the service symlink in /etc/service, but it will
not manage any templates in the service directory.

User Controlled Services

To set up services controlled by a non-privileged user, we follow the
recommended configuration in the
runit documentation (Is it
possible to allow a user other than root to control a service?).

Suppose the user's name is floyd, and floyd wants to run floyds-app.
Assuming that the floyd user and group are already managed with Chef,
create a runsvdir-floyd runit_service.

runit_service "runsvdir-floyd"

Create the sv-runsvdir-floyd-log-run.erb template, or add log
. Also create the sv-runsvdir-floyd-run.erb with the following

exec 2>&1
exec chpst -ufloyd runsvdir /home/floyd/service

Next, create the runit_service resource for floyd's app:

runit_service "floyds-app" do
  sv_dir "/home/floyd/sv"
  service_dir "/home/floyd/service"
  owner "floyd"
  group "floyd"

And now floyd can manage the service with sv:

$ id
uid=1000(floyd) gid=1001(floyd) groups=1001(floyd)
$ sv stop /home/floyd/service/floyds-app/
ok: down: /home/floyd/service/floyds-app/: 0s, normally up
$ sv start /home/floyd/service/floyds-app/
ok: run: /home/floyd/service/floyds-app/: (pid 5287) 0s
$ sv status /home/floyd/service/floyds-app/
run: /home/floyd/service/floyds-app/: (pid 5287) 13s; run: log: (pid 4691) 726s


Next, let's set up memcached under runit with some additional options
using the options parameter. First, the
memcached/templates/default/sv-memcached-run.erb template:

exec 2>&1
exec chpst -u <%= @options[:user] %> /usr/bin/memcached -v -m <%= @options[:memory] %> -p <%= @options[:port] %>

Note that the script uses chpst (which comes with runit) to set the
user option, then starts memcached on the specified memory and port
(see below).

The log/run template,

exec svlogd -tt ./main

Finally, the runit_service in our recipe:

runit_service "memcached" do
    :memory => node[:memcached][:memory],
    :port => node[:memcached][:port],
    :user => node[:memcached][:user]}.merge(params)

This is where the user, port and memory options used in the run
template are used.

Notifying Runit Services

In previous versions of this cookbook where the definition was used,
it created a service resource that could be notified. With the
runit_service resource, recipes need to use the full resource name.
For example:

runit_service "my-service"

template "/etc/my-service.conf" do
  notifies :restart, "runit_service[my-service]"

Because the resource implements actions for various commands that sv
can send to the service, any of those actions could be used for
notification. For example, chef-client supports triggering a Chef
run with a USR1 signal.

template "/tmp/chef-notifier" do
  notifies :usr1, "runit_service[chef-client]"

For older implementations of services that used runit_service as a
definition, but may support alternate service styles, use a
conditional, such as based on an attribute:

service_to_notify = case node['nginx']['init_style']
                    when "runit"

template "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" do
  notifies :restart, service_to_notify

More Examples

For more examples, see the runit_test cookbook's service recipe in
the git repository.


This cookbook has tests in the GitHub repository. To run the tests:

git clone git://
cd runit
bundle install

There are two kinds of tests, unit tests and integration tests.

Unit Tests

The resource/provider code is unit tested with rspec. To run these
tests, use rake:

bundle exec rake spec

Integration Tests

Integration tests are setup to run under minitest-chef. They are
automatically run under test kitchen.

bundle exec kitchen test

This tests the default recipe ("default" configuration), and various
uses of the runit_service resource ("service" configuration).

License and Author

Author:: Adam Jacob
Author:: Joshua Timberman

Copyright:: 2008-2013, Opscode, Inc

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

build-essential >= 0.0.0
yum >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

activemq Applicable Versions
anaconda Applicable Versions
apache_kafka Applicable Versions
apache_tomcat Applicable Versions
application Applicable Versions
application_ruby Applicable Versions
artifactory Applicable Versions
artifactory_ii Applicable Versions
berkshelf Applicable Versions
berkshelf-api Applicable Versions
berkshelf-api-server Applicable Versions
bjn_logstash Applicable Versions
bootstrap Applicable Versions
btm-test Applicable Versions
camo Applicable Versions
carbon Applicable Versions
carton Applicable Versions
cassandra Applicable Versions
cassandra-priam Applicable Versions
celery-flower Applicable Versions
chef Applicable Versions
chef-client-runit Applicable Versions
chef-server Applicable Versions
chef_nginx Applicable Versions
chefgithook Applicable Versions
chronos Applicable Versions
cobbler Applicable Versions
confluence Applicable Versions
consul Applicable Versions
consul-template Applicable Versions
copy_filebeat_registry Applicable Versions
crowd Applicable Versions
current Applicable Versions
cyclesafe_chef Applicable Versions
dima-repose Applicable Versions
distsync Applicable Versions
djbdns Applicable Versions
dkron Applicable Versions
docker Applicable Versions
docker_registry Applicable Versions
dusk Applicable Versions
dynomite Applicable Versions
elasticsearch_cluster Applicable Versions
elkstack Applicable Versions
ellk Applicable Versions
enstratius_agent_proxy Applicable Versions
enterprise Applicable Versions
et_elk Applicable Versions
exabgp Applicable Versions
exhibitor Applicable Versions
fanfare Applicable Versions
filebeat Applicable Versions
flume Applicable Versions
foreflight_build_agent Applicable Versions
frog Applicable Versions
ganglia Applicable Versions
ganglia_cluster Applicable Versions
gce_gcsfuse Applicable Versions
gce_mysql_proxy Applicable Versions
gdash Applicable Versions
gem_server Applicable Versions
ghost Applicable Versions
git Applicable Versions
gitpaste Applicable Versions
glassfish Applicable Versions
god Applicable Versions
goiardi Applicable Versions
graphite Applicable Versions
graphite_lwrp Applicable Versions
graphiti Applicable Versions
hadoop_cluster Applicable Versions
haproxy_lwrp Applicable Versions
hbase_cluster Applicable Versions
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infochimps_graphite Applicable Versions
infochimps_statsd Applicable Versions
instrumental Applicable Versions
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lita Applicable Versions
locustio Applicable Versions
logstash Applicable Versions
mailhog Applicable Versions
marathon Applicable Versions
memcached Applicable Versions
metarepo Applicable Versions
minecraft Applicable Versions
mogilefs Applicable Versions
mongodb Applicable Versions
mongodb3 Applicable Versions
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murmur Applicable Versions
nexus Applicable Versions
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nginx_simplecgi Applicable Versions
node Applicable Versions
nsq Applicable Versions
oc-id Applicable Versions
open_resty Applicable Versions
ops_tcpdump_handler Applicable Versions
paramount Applicable Versions
pen Applicable Versions
piwik Applicable Versions
poise-service-runit Applicable Versions
prometheus Applicable Versions
prose Applicable Versions
push-jobs Applicable Versions
rackbox Applicable Versions
railsbox Applicable Versions
rc_mon Applicable Versions
redis Applicable Versions
redis2 Applicable Versions
redmine2 Applicable Versions
repmgr Applicable Versions
resque Applicable Versions
riemann2 Applicable Versions
rocketchat Applicable Versions
rundeck Applicable Versions
scollector Applicable Versions
sensu_admin Applicable Versions
sentry Applicable Versions
simple-cerebro Applicable Versions
simple-hazelcast Applicable Versions
simple-kibana Applicable Versions
simple-logstash Applicable Versions
spark-jobserver Applicable Versions
statsite Applicable Versions
stompserver Applicable Versions
storm Applicable Versions
subrosa Applicable Versions
supermarket Applicable Versions
taskwarrior Applicable Versions
tasseo Applicable Versions
taurus Applicable Versions
teamspeak3 Applicable Versions
treslek Applicable Versions
uwsgi Applicable Versions
vsts_build_agent Applicable Versions
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xldeploy Applicable Versions
xlrelease Applicable Versions
zookeeper Applicable Versions
zookeeper_cluster Applicable Versions
zookeeperd Applicable Versions

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