Installs a mingw/msys based toolchain on windows
cookbook 'mingw', '~> 4.0.3'
Control service actions initialized from dpkg
cookbook 'dpkg_autostart', '~> 0.4.14'
Installs and configures the EPEL Yum repository
cookbook 'yum-epel', '~> 5.0.8'
Installs and configures NXLog_ce on Linux or Windows
cookbook 'sc-nxlog', '~> 1.0.6'
Do not use, Sous-Chefs cookbook for testing only!
cookbook 'bot-trainer', '~> 0.1.8'
Installs/Configures mcelog to catch and decode hardware errors from the Linux kernel
cookbook 'mcelog', '~> 2.2.2'
Sets up SSSD for LDAP on Ubuntu and RHEL systems
cookbook 'sssd_ldap', '~> 5.2.8'
Installs and configures DHCP
cookbook 'dhcp', '~> 8.1.16'
Installs/Configures samba
cookbook 'samba', '~> 2.0.12'
Installs/Configures aptly
cookbook 'aptly', '~> 3.2.2'
A Library Cookbook for interacting with the Github API
cookbook 'github', '~> 1.1.15'
Installs and Configures syslog_ng
cookbook 'syslog_ng', '~> 3.0.7'
Installs/Configures foreman
cookbook 'foreman', '~> 0.1.10'
Installs/Configures repositories.
cookbook 'packagecloud', '~> 2.0.8'
Installs/Configures chrony, an application used to maintain the accuracy of the system clock (similar to NTPd).
cookbook 'chrony', '~> 1.2.5'
Configures /etc/resolv.conf via attributes
cookbook 'resolver', '~> 4.2.2'
Provides an opinionated way to download and install remote software
cookbook 'remote_install', '~> 3.0.3'
Manages adding certificates to the OS trust store
cookbook 'trusted_certificate', '~> 4.0.15'
Installs/Configures reprepro for an apt repository
cookbook 'reprepro', '~> 2.1.2'
Installs and configures the Fedora Yum repositories
cookbook 'yum-fedora', '~> 3.1.7'